Bourke, De Búrca, De Burgh
De Búrca was originally de Burgo, and is the most common Irish name of Norman origin. The Burke name is most often associated with the province of Connacht where the family was granted large tracts of land during the 12th century following the Anglo-Norman invasion. Today, it is ranked as fourteenth most numerous surname in Ireland, and remains strongest in its homeland of county Galway in the west.
The Burke sweater has a moss filled diamond as a central panel, flanked by two rows of lobster claws on each side. The diamond stitch represents wealth, while lobster claw is a wish for prosperity. This beautiful Aran sweater has been knitted in the traditional báinín (pronounced ‘baw neen’) colour, the natural white of the wool. It comes to you complete with a clan history and crest. It is made of 100% merino wool, is water repellent and breathable. It has been crafted in the traditional Irish style, and, with care, will last a lifetime.