Dowell, Doyelle, Doyley, McDowell, Ó Dubhghaill.
The Doyles are of Norse origins, and this fact is backed up by the fact that the name is most common in the south east of the country in counties Wicklow, Wexford and Carlow. The name comes from the Gaelic “Dubh”, meaning ‘dark’, and “Gall”, meaning ‘foreigner’, and was originally used to describe the invading vikings. The name is the twelfth most common name in Ireland.
The Doyle sweater has a basket centre stitch, flanked by cable, honeycomb rope, plait, and blackberry stitches on either side. The basket stitch is symbolic of a wish for a full catch for the fisherman, cable represents good luck, honeycomb symbolises work and blackberry is symbolic of the Holy Trinity. This beautiful Aran sweater has been knitted in the traditional báinín (pronounced ‘baw neen’) colour, the natural white of the wool. It comes to you complete with a clan history and crest. It is made of 100% merino wool, is water repellent and breathable. It has been crafted in the traditional Irish style, and, with care, will last a lifetime.