Flinn, O’ Flinn, O’ Floin, O’ Flynn, Ó Floinn.
The Flynn name comes from the formerly popular Irish personal name of ‘Flann’ meaning red or ruddy. The popularity of this name dictated that there would be several distinct septs of Ó Floinn, located in counties Cork, Kerry, Clare, Mayo, Roscommon, Cavan, Antrim and Monaghan. Historically, the most important of these clans were those in Cork and Roscommon. Today the name Flynn is ranked as the 41st most numerous in the country, with concentrations in north Connacht and the Cork/Waterford area.
The Flynn sweater has a moss-filled, double-edged diamond as the central panel, flanked by cables, and honeycomb stitch on either side. This beautiful Aran sweater has been knitted in the traditional báinín (pronounced ‘baw neen’) colour, the natural white of the wool. It comes to you complete with a clan history and crest. It is made of 100% merino wool, is water repellent and breathable. It has been crafted in the traditional Irish style, and, with care, will last a lifetime.