O’ Hogaine, O’ Hogan, O’ Hogane, Ó hÓgáin.
Ó hÓgáin comes from the Gaelic word “óg”, meaning ‘young’. The clan is descended from Ógán, who was an uncle of Brian Ború , High King of Ireland in the 11th century. The Ó hÓgáin were part of the Dál gCais tribal grouping, and they were located near the modern town of Nenagh in Co. Tipperary. Today, Hogan is the 91st most numerous surname in Ireland, and is strongest in counties Clare, Tipperary, Limerick and Cork.
The Hogan sweater has moss filled zig zags, flanked by cables and honeycomb panels on either side. The zig zag stitch represents love, the honeycomb symbolises work, and cables represent luck. This beautiful Aran sweater has been knitted in the traditional báinín (pronounced ‘baw neen’) colour, the natural white of the wool. It comes to you complete with a clan history and crest. It is made of 100% merino wool, is water repellent and breathable. It has been crafted in the traditional Irish style, and, with care, will last a lifetime.